Windscreen cleaning fluid from Planol: Reliable without leaving streaks
Frozen windows soiled with road salt and slushy snow in winter as well as dusty windscreens covered with insect residues in summer restrict the field of view for car drivers. When removing these contaminations, windscreen wipers frequently leave behind a disagreeable film of smears. Here, it is a matter of the right cleaning agent to get a clean result and move the car through traffic safely.
With their two products "ice breaker" and "windscreen magic", Planol offers the optimal windscreen cleaning fluid for winter and summer. This ensures a clear view.
Our range of products in the windscreen cleaning fluid category
Antifreeze "ice breaker" from Planol
"Ice breaker" is a cleaning concentrate based on alcohol for thorough cleaning of all glass surfaces, windscreens etc. The windscreen antifreeze concentrate effortlessly dissolves greasy contamination, leaving a shine without leaving streaks. Compatible with polycarbonate surfaces. Empty the fluid reservoir before filling; comply with the recommended concentration.
Antifreeze "ice breaker" from PlanolWindow cleaner "windscreen magic" from Planol
Windscreen magic removes insects and dirt from windscreens and rear windows. The product is suitable for motor vehicle windscreen washer systems and reliably removes even stubborn insect residues. Its special formula improves the gliding properties of the windscreen wipers and ensures cleaning without leaving streaks. The product is ready to use at temperatures above five degrees Celsius.
Window cleaner "windscreen magic" from PlanolWindscreen cleaning fluid: The right choice for winter and summer
Windscreens are exposed to severe loads. Dust, soot or engine oils on the windows ensure stubborn contamination which the usual glass cleaners cannot remove. There are also seasonal outdoor influences that hamper cleaning. This means that in winter windscreens and rear windows in vehicles are exposed not only to water but also to splash water that contains road salt and other contaminations that restrict the view. Moreover, windscreen washer systems can freeze at minus temperatures. To prevent this and to ensure cleanliness without leaving smears and streaks, strong vehicle windscreen cleaners containing antifreeze are required for the washer systems. In summer, pollen and insect residues soil the windows. If the remaining residues are not removed in good time, dry weather and warm sunshine hamper cleaning. Economical vehicle windscreen cleaners remove these stubborn contaminations and ensure that the windscreen wipers glide easily. With the cleaning agents from Planol, you have the optimum support for clean car windows, both in winter and in summer.
Your advantages with our windscreen cleaning fluids
Customer orientation
The satisfaction of our customers is the core of our work. This is why we make products that are tailored to the individual requirements and needs of building service providers, specialist wholesalers, corporate customers and resellers. Moreover, we design our internal processes in such a way that our customers and suppliers profit from the trusting partnership with us in the best possible way.
Requirements-oriented solutions:
We support you with our specialists from customer service, quality management and the laboratory in adapting our products to your needs. Moreover, with our technical and chemical expertise we are your partner in the case of new recipes or enhancement of our or of your existing range of products.
Rapid production availability:
In addition to other channels, you can obtain all of our products directly through the commercial wholesale of our distribution partner IGEFA, who have established a Germany-wide network of branch offices. This enables us to ensure that our products reach you quickly. We also deliver larger order quantities directly to you by truck. You can, however, also collect your products from our location in Hanau, where we will have your goods ready for shipping at the agreed point in time.
Our windscreen cleaning fluids ensure clear vision
To ensure that you and your colleagues have a clear view in road traffic, Planol offers you the optimum windscreen cleaning fluids that meet the requirements for the different weather conditions and types of dirt in winter and in summer.
The product "ice breaker" is a very economical concentrate based on alcohol. It is particularly suitable for the thorough cleaning of all glass surfaces and car windows. The antifreeze concentrate dissolves greasy dirt effortlessly and creates a gloss without leaving smears and streaks at temperatures to below -45 degrees Celsius. Furthermore, it can be used not only on ABS plastics but also on polycarbonate surfaces.
Our ready-to-use summer product "windscreen magic" easily removes mild greasy soiling and stubborn insect residues from car windscreens and rear windows. With good gliding properties of the wiper blades, it cleans the windows without leaving streaks. As of temperatures of 5 degrees Celsius, the insect remover is suitable for motor vehicle windscreen washer systems.
Our windscreen cleaning fluids have a pleasant scent which also spreads inside the car. Whereas our concentrate "ice breaker" is filled in handy 1-litre bottles, "windscreen magic" is additionally available in 5-litre canisters. If both products are used, the specifications on the mixture table are to be complied with and the solutions poured into completely empty containers.
Are you interested in our windscreen cleaning fluids for winter and summer? Then contact us now and find out more about our range of products.